How Drive-Home Valet Services Are Transforming the Fight Against Drink Driving | ValetGo

How Drive-Home Valet Services Are Transforming the Fight Against Drink Driving

April 22, 2024



After a hectic workweek, who wouldn’t want to unwind with friends or family? Perhaps grab a couple of beers or a favourite alcoholic beverage or two to decompress. While that sounds fantastic, it is also essential for you to ensure your safety and well-being throughout, especially if you are driving. After all, drink-driving, the act of driving while intoxicated, is no trivial matter!

However, despite the perils of this offence, Singapore has seen a tremendous rise in the number of drink-driving accidents in recent years. According to a report by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), such incidents have spiked 21.4 per cent from 70 in the first half of 2022 to 85 in the same period in 2023.

So, what can you do to prevent yourself from adding to this undesirable statistic? While the obvious solution is never to drive if you are planning on drinking, what happens if a friend or relative spontaneously suggests a round of drinks after you have hit the road? Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem – hire a drive-home valet service.

These professional drivers will prioritise your safety and comfort, providing a personalised and reliable solution for getting you and your vehicle home safe and sound. If you are not already aware of such services, let us share how they play a transformative role in the fight against drink-driving.


2.1. What Is The Offence Of Drink-Driving In Singapore?

As a seasoned driver yourself, you are probably familiar with the consequences of operating a vehicle when you are not alert or in control of your actions. That is precisely what makes drink-driving so dangerous. The alcohol inhibits your judgement, preventing you from discerning danger and retaining complete control of your car. As a result, you pose a threat to not just yourself, but other road users too.

In fact, the Singapore government has implemented stringent laws that deal harsh penalties to dissuade individuals from drink-drinking. Under Section 67 of the Road Traffic Act, you are guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol if you:

  • Exceed the legal alcohol limit; or
  • Are under the influence of alcohol to the extent that you are incapable of retaining proper control of the vehicle.

The legal alcohol limit in Singapore is 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath or 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

First-Time Offenders

First-time offenders can incur a fine between S$2,000 and S$10,000 and face disqualification from holding or obtaining a driving license for at least two years.

The court may order a shorter period of disqualification or no disqualification at all if there are compelling reasons to do so. The inverse is also possible, as the court can extend the timeframe if you have also been convicted of risky or careless driving.

Should you get into an accident and cause physical injury and/or property damage for drink-driving, you could also face an imprisonment term not exceeding 12 months. In addition, you can be charged with another offence of:

  • Reckless or dangerous driving under Section 64(1) of the Road Traffic Act (RTA); or
  • Driving without due care or reasonable consideration under Section 65(1) of the RTA.

So why choose to leave a record or pay the hefty fine when you can opt to hire a drive-home valet at a fraction of the price?

Repeat Offenders

If you are a repeat offender, you could face a compulsory jail term of up to two years plus a fine of S$5,000 to S$20,000. You will also be banned from driving for a minimum of five years. In retrospect, the cost of hiring a valet service seems like a chump change compared to the penalty you may incur from getting caught red-handed for drink-driving.

2.2. How Is The Sentence For Drink-Driving Decided?

When deciding on the appropriate sentence for a driver convicted of drink-driving, the court will make a judgement based on two considerations:

  1. The nature and degree of actual/potential harm resulted from the offence;
  2. The driver’s culpability for the offence.

The court will first examine the form and degree of harm resulting from the offence. There are four primary categories – slight, moderate, serious, and very serious:

  • Slight harm is characterised by minor or moderate property damage and/or slight physical harm with no need for hospitalisation or medical leave.
  • Moderate harm constitutes serious property damage and/or moderate personal injury requiring hospitalisation or medical leave, but there are no fractures or long-term injuries.
  • Serious harm involves fractures, as well as injuries that are permanent in nature and may require surgical procedures.
  • Very serious harm encompasses severe injuries, such as loss of limbs, sight, hearing, or life. It also includes paralysis.

Subsequently, the court will assess the culpability of the offender, consisting of:

  • The extent to which the offender exceeded the prescribed legal limit of alcohol intake.
  • The offender’s driving manner.

There are three levels of culpability:

  • Low alcohol level (between 35 to 54 microgrammes per 100ml of breath) and no evidence of reckless driving.
  • Moderate to high alcohol level (between 55 to 69 microgrammes per 100ml of breath) or dangerous driving behaviour.
  • High alcohol level (above 70 microgrammes per 100ml of breath) and evidence of reckless driving.


3.1. What Are The Dangers Of Drink-Driving?

With a greater understanding of the penalties for drink-driving in Singapore, perhaps you can understand why it is better to err on the side of caution by turning to a drive-home valet to get you and your vehicle home safely after a night of heavy drinking. Yet, despite these significant deterrents, many individuals still drink and drive daily, ignoring the harm they can cause.

The question is: does making it home safely or getting away with it make drink-driving a mistake you should continue repeating? No, it does not! Remember, you are not only putting yourself at risk but also endangering the lives of anyone else on the road while you are driving under the influence.

Let us take a hard look at why drink-driving is dangerous to discourage yourself or people you know from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Instead, the sensible decision should be to reach out to a drive-home service in these moments.

Risk #1: Poor judgement and decision-making

Have you ever regretted a decision committed under the influence of alcohol after sobering up? Then you will understand how alcohol can cloud one’s judgment. For instance, despite being aware that you are drunk, you might dismiss the idea of calling a drive-home valet because you do not want to pay for a ride or incorrectly assume you are more than capable of driving home as it is ‘just around the corner’.

Unfortunately, even a tiny bit of alcohol can influence your decision-making and concentration, compromising your ability to stay alert and aware of the situation around you. That, in turn, affects your driving, which warrants your full and undivided attention. You might find it challenging to judge distance, stay in your lane, manage your speed, or make a turn without hitting something. In short, you are an accident waiting to happen in this state.

Risk #2: Slowed reaction time and lack of coordination

When under the influence, you can tell your coordination has been impaired if you cannot seem to stand up straight, have difficulty walking, or sway when standing. You might even have trouble inserting your car keys into the ignition. That is unsurprising, given the impact alcohol can have on your motor skills.

Likewise, alcohol can reduce your reaction times in specific instances. For example, you might not be able to react as quickly as you would in a sober situation if a vehicle stops short in front of you or abruptly cuts you off, resulting in a collision. Worse, you may take longer to respond and brake if a pedestrian steps onto the road. In this condition, you are undoubtedly unfit to drive. So, it would be wise to engage the help of a drive-home service.

Risk #3: Decreased Vision

Alcohol can dull your senses, including your vision, which plays a massive role when driving. In fact, intoxicated drivers have reported blurred visions or a partial loss of control over their eye movements, negatively impacting their ability to judge the distance between cars and other objects on the road.

Generally, the more you have had to drink, the more impaired your eyesight will be. Even if you don’t notice blurry or cloudy vision or encounter any eye-related issues during a night of drinking, such as the loss of your peripheral vision, you should still avoid getting behind the wheel. Instead, reach out to a car valet service for assistance in reaching home safely.

Risk #4: Increased risk of getting into a fatal accident

Despite raising public awareness of the dangers of drink-driving, some individuals continue to do so, even in the face of harsh penalties for breaking the laws, as evidenced by the six fatal drink-driving accidents in the first six months of 2023, up from three cases in 2022.

This increase in the number of fatal drink-driving traffic accidents comes despite the number of people arrested for the felony remaining about the same in the first half of 2022 and 2023 (790 in 2022 and 785 in 2023). This emphasises the heightened risk of causing a fatal accident when driving under the influence.

3.2. Why You Should Call A Valet After Drinking?

Drink-driving is one of the worst ways to lose your vehicle, as being caught by the authorities can result in the revocation of your license. This consequence is especially painful in Singapore, where owning a car is not exactly wallet-friendly. What’s more, the potential loss extends beyond material possessions – it includes the safety and well-being of yourself, your passengers, and others on the road. That is why drive-home valets exist and why you should make use of their services.

However, you might wonder what this valet service entails and how it works. That is a fair question to ask. Simply put, after you are done drinking and partying, this service allows you to hire a professional valet driver to pick you and your vehicle up and drive you safely back to your desired destination.

As you can see, the concept is relatively straightforward. So, the next time you are out for a night of drinking or an event, why not call a drive-home valet afterwards? You will thank yourself for making this savvy decision. Here are some reasons why.

Reason #1: Avoid getting into an accident

Drinking and driving are a horrible combination. The alcohol impairs your senses, making it challenging for you to make the correct judgement while on the road. In this state, the risk of getting into an accident magnifies several folds, and it can result in an injury or even death.

Besides hurting yourself in the accident, you could also endanger innocent passersby. So, before getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, think twice and make the sound decision to call a valet to drive you home to prevent an accident from happening.

Reason #2: Drink-driving is a serious offence

As we have covered extensively in this article, drink-driving is a serious offence in Singapore. If found guilty, you could face a fine of up to S$10,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 months or both. You will incur harsher penalties if you are a repeat offender.

Reason #3: Your driving license can get revoked

Even with Singapore’s robust transport system, you cannot underestimate the convenience of owning a car. But imagine not being able to enjoy the benefits of your vehicle because of a reckless mistake! Having your license revoked could be even more costly if you rely heavily on your car. To avoid such a situation, choose wisely and hire a drive-home valet rather than driving under the influence.

3.3. Benefits Of Drive-Home Valet Services

Still not convinced? Then, perhaps the following benefits might persuade you to change your mind and embrace drive-home valet services.

Benefit #1: Convenience

Have you ever had to stop yourself from enjoying a night to the fullest because you are driving? Or perhaps you have had to go through the hassle of leaving your car at home and taking public transport or a ride-share service because you anticipate yourself drinking that day?

With a drive-home valet on standby, you do not have to worry about drinking under the influence or competing with the crowd for a taxi or ride-share service. Instead, you can go ahead and paint the town red without any concerns, knowing that you and your vehicle will be well taken care of.

Benefit #2: No more designated driver

Gone are the days when a member of the group had to draw the short straw and stay sober to be the designated driver. Now, everyone gets to join in on the fun! By hiring a valet, you can ensure you get home safely, as well as drop off your friends along the way.

Benefit #3: Safety and peace of mind

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you and your vehicle will arrive home safely after a night of drinking. DUI citations, costly fines, and even imprisonment are no longer a concern when you hire a drive-home valet to provide you with a secure ride home.

Benefit #4: Cost-effective

When caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you are not just incurring a significant DUI fine. Your motor insurance premium could also face a price hike due to the consequences of your actions. Worse, the insurance company might refuse to cover you further, resulting in you having to search for new coverage.

While the cost of a drive-home service may be more expensive than hailing a taxi or ride-sharing service, depending on the company, location, and other factors, it is still a hassle-free and more cost-effective option than the legal and personal consequences of a DUI fine or an accident.

Learn More: How to Choose the Best Drive-Home Valet Service for Your Needs


So, the next time you plan a night of drinking with friends or family, make the smart and responsible decision to hire a drive-home valet. Not only are you taking a proactive stance against drink-driving, but you can also unwind and enjoy peace of mind, knowing that a professional driver will safely chauffeur you home after you had a good time.

Fortunately, you do not have to search far for the ideal valet service in Singapore. At ValetGo, we pride ourselves on providing a seamless experience for our customers. Give our valet app a try for a simple, convenient, and responsible way to get home safely. If you have further queries about the cost of our valet service, do not hesitate to contact us today!